Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mini Rainbow Cakes

A lot of my inspiration comes from the wonderful teacher, Mrs. Lauri Berry.  She's has been my teacher for a long time and I wouldn't be the person I am today with her guidance.  She finds these intriguing recipes and shows them to me in the hopes that I will try them.  She found this recipe from a blog dedicated to Jello Shots.  Not exactly school appropriate, but no worries, there's no alcohol in this recipe.

At first, I was astounded that the recipe used box mixes and canned frosting.  This is practically against my religion.  However, I haven't found a vanilla cake recipe that never fails yet, so I tried it with the box mixes and I am so glad I did!  This process is lengthy and requires 110 billion % of your focus.  Follow the instructions to the T and you will end up with adorable cakes.  I put my little spin of these cakes (I couldn't control myself) and added a couple tablespoons of almond to the frosting.  It definitely took these cakes to the next level.  The whole pan, even the scraps, was gone within the hour of pulling it out of the freezer.  I'm certain several people even ate it completely frozen!

(By the way, I took some of these
 pictures using my new Instagram app, 
check me out at mgarstecki23)

This recipe would be perfect for a child's birthday party or a shower.  The servings are small enough to give you a taste, but not overwhelming.  Also, it looks so pretty!  Next I'll try this process with chocolate cake and ombre-colored frosting, yum!

Here's a step-by-step How-to!

Prepare the two cake mixes according to the directions.

Split the batter evenly between 6 bowls.

Dye each batter a different color.
This is your time to shine! Experiment with rainbow, shades of your favorite color, or and color combination that suits your fancy.
Just don't get too crazy.
Like this.

I know, I know.
Please forgive me.

Then bake each layer in a 9 by 13 foil or parchment lined pan, separately.  

Then let cool.
Prepare the frosting however which way you want ( Like almond ) and equally divie it up in between each layer.  
Let it freeze overnight covered by foil.  

Use a biscuit cutter to cut out the cakes.

Isn't that so cool?


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